This year's Kohaku can be defined in two ways. Originality and new songs in part of the ladies behind Akagumi and old songs represented by the gentlemen's side which at times resembled the return of the walking dead due to how old some of the selections made for them where.
The highlights were delivered by Yuriko Yoshitaka and her brilliant MCing for the ladies and all songs played by them. In a year where Ayumi Hamasaki was not in the show, the 48 formula delivered in all its variations was great. In addition, Miwa, E-girls, Ikimonogakari, Kana Nishino, Sayaka and Carry Pamyu Pamyu carried all scores.
On the men's side the only few highlights were delivered by Sekai no Owari and AAA. All else was old and boring.
The downsides and the wrongly done. Nagabuchi and his disaster appeals, Hiromi Go.....Why? Yakishimaru Hiroko...Why? And more importantly why was Seiko Matsuda paired against Arashi at the end of the show?
While rather entertaining, the 2014 edition of Kohaku tells us that the ladies drove the music industry in Japan last year, but once again the effortless have been rewarded for not having done much with a great appeal to the mass of voters.