If anybody had told me that 2020 was going to pan out the way it did at the start of the year, I would have not believed it. But, let us face it, as somebody who is used to authoring his own destiny, I have always been prepared for any kind of unpreached predicament.
Covid-19 has been the main keyword of the year and while most of what happened in the world is attributed to it, we can also say that nothing positive was going to ever happen if all of us humans had not stepped in and proved again that we are at the top of the food chain for a reason. I followed suit.
In line with the premise that we are the strongest and more survivalist species, I quickly adapted to short time spans in an everchanging world. While the economy retreated to its online existence my companies were immediately well positioned for a remote-working world and without delay we started to tackle the uncertainties of our clients doing what we do best, Engaging More and Selling More.
As I lead my people and clients over countless sleepless nights early in the year, I realized that being a CEO puts me at the forefront of whichever fight I am up to fighting in the business world. This way I realized that when uncharted uncertainties arose, there was no manual to follow apart from my own leadership. So, I did exactly that, I lead by heart and secured a level of calm and optimism that became my own and subsequently shaped it into my learnings. I figured that when nothing is as ever more important than existing, putting things in perspective of my own existence is the only life-saving strategy that works. Fortunately, it did.
As most of the storm brought upon us began to subside, I found myself hiring people and acquiring companies while unleashing my wildest entrepreneurial dreams. The more people, especially clients, realized that calm and growth can be delivered in an uncertain world and the more they saw I was authoring both, the more they came to me. Long story short, my teams in several countries have grown and I went from owning three companies to owning four, co-owning another two and managing another two ventures for which I am the hired CEO and managing director.
By all means, this kind of expansion is something I did not plan for at the beginning of 2020. And perhaps, moreover something I would not have done if 2020 had not been the kind of 2020 we all came to know. Somehow, I found a lot of motivation to grow in the deepest depth of uncertainty that became very fulfilling.
As another year comes to its end, I can only emphasize how important certain triggers are in life and while some are possibly not the best, it is up to us to make them work in our favor. While Covid will eventually either vanish or be put well under control, the behavioral changes it delivered this year are not going anywhere and will only develop into a progressively ever changed world once again.
Apart from the professional side of things, on the life side I can only thank 2020 for having grounded me in Japan for most of the year which as a result has brought me closer to my wife and children. As eventually 2021 and beyond will see me travel again, I am certain that the crazy travel schedule I was once engulfed in and the family distancing it forced me into for the best part of the last five years, will not likely return. Or at least not return in the same shape in much the same way all else changed in my life in this truly unforgettable year.