Saturday, December 30, 2017

Year in review 2017

January, sometime in the morning of the early days of 2017, I am sitting by the pool in my home at Ho Chi Minh and I was stricken with the idea of reading The Art of the Deal by Donald Trump. Despite the initial realistic confrontation with the fact that this book is not for everybody, I decided that I wanted to make it work for me. Later in the year this proved to be a right move.

Off I went mid January and so on onwards with the idea that I can put together, close and execute the best win-win deals in advertising while growing my companies. In that favor I started working with my people providing the best possible experience on the ground on all the many countries where we do business. All this while, I wasn’t really spending much time on the ground and focusing on the core of what runs my business, flying.

With more than 100 individual flights this year I have been and done business in 10 countries. While now officially living in Japan, Singapore and Vietnam, I have also strengthen the likes of the UK and France, re-endevoured myself in the beauty of Malaysia, continued to grow my presence in Hong Kong and China and then returned to the place that has a special place in my heart, The United States. In addition I also made a stop-by to Canada for also other projects that occupy a place in my heart. All in all, I have met many diverse kinds of people, created unique networks of highly influential individuals and consolidated my position as an internationally acclaimed professional in advertising beyond my local surroundings. I have made of myself somebody who can make anything happen anywhere for any commercial reason that requires that a product or service is advertised. And more importantly, I can do this cross-boundaries.

On the personal side of things, life continued on the high motivational pace, sometimes pulled back by the sadness of not being in Japan as much as I wanted for my daughters. All things considered in perspective however, this sadness didn’t last long since it is all driven by them, and let’s face it, otherwise I could not be doing what I do each month, day, and second of my life.

As 2017 comes to a close, I can proudly said that I have cracked the hidden code in The Art of the Deal. The powerful message reserved to the few who can understand it, has given me a better approach to feelings applied to the work place, how to communicate with people, how to literally deal with them and fundamentally, it has made me a better business leader and dealer.

Sunday, January 1, 2017

Kohaku Utagassen 2016

The year 2016's 67th edition was once again won by the ladies (Akagumi) in what I have to call, a very disappointing win.

I am traditionally more leaned to the performances of the ladies and while this year the gentlemen did not do great, a win was clearly defined on their side. But, the judges thought otherwise.

This time I was finally under the solid impression that NHK took things seriously in digital with well used projection and reality enhancement technologies as well as with offering people the ability to vote after each individual competition. This latter new feature I thought was really good since it kept people engaged and watching the show.

Performance wise, I have to say that 2016 was a year when the Japan music scene didn't grow. There were almost no new artist and really no impressive big names. Apart from AKB 48 with a very digital touch that involved people defining their performance, all else was on the expectable side.

AKB 48 had the most mature performance ever, E-girls was also good with more grown-up girls on stage. The usual suspects on the side of the ladies did well with Utada Hikaru, Nishino Kana and others. The gentlemen had a few shiny moments with AAA, J Soul Brothers, Arashi, and Radwimps. In all, nobody really stood up on either side.

All the way to the end and despite the fact that the gentlemen (Shirogumi) won by a margin of more than 2M votes from the audience at home and more than 400 votes at the NHK Hall, the judges gave the win to the ladies. All said, I have nothing else to say but, what was the point in giving power to the people if this power was going to be absolutely ignored?

In a way I am pleased to see a changing show, at the same time I am left with a bitter feeling that I am sure most people share with me today.