A definite no surprise to anybody, 2011 will continue to see digital growth. What are the specific areas to keep an eye on this year? Here's a brief slur of thoughts.
1. Tablets, tablets, and more tablets.
You didn't think that iPad was alone, did you? There are more flat devices to go about than originally thought. With Android, Palm and Windows driven systems, anything with a screen up to 12 inches and a mobile processor will provide your particular WOW!
2. Digital TV
And I mean both air and Internet digital TV. Something that started with that streaming feed somewhen not very far in the past, a cross mix between TiVo and YouTube and...kaboom, set-top box with an Apple logo on it. Apple TV pioneered what has now become a healthy set of options of the same like. With Apple, Hulu, Google TV and Netflix there's no much margin for emergent options, but definitely we'll see others popping up.
3. Mobile
With 5 billion mobile devices vs 1.5 billion TV sets in the world, it's clear to take a guess at what most people are, and will continue, watching. Tiny screens, sometimes ugly design, but definitely in everybody's hand all the time.
4. Ads
Ad networks, a continuously developing paradise for marketers. With more possibilities of individualization, more diverse and complex networks will continue to develop in a world that is about carefully thought personalization.
5. Outsourcing
If you are in the digital business, this is what you'll do a lot more. We have finally reached maturity in the outsourcing field. It's not that certain countries do a cheap job, they do a more cost effective job.
All and all, digital is now part of our lifes and whoever still sees an identifiable difference between the digital and analog worlds, lives in the latter. The days of the digital agency have ended and so have the days of the ad agency. These are the days of the communication agency in which digital is the type of communication to live and die for.