Wednesday, January 19, 2011


Let's talk about time and all the interesting aspects associated with it. Time is indeed the element of life we shall value the most as it represents one of the most gravitational aspects in life. While money, one of the most undoubtedly valued things in life seems to be by far the winner of all, time however must not be forgotten.

It is with time that we come to this world. It is time the factor that determines growth, maturity, the love we profess, the love that we make, the relationships we value, and all experiences in life. Time determines the line between success and failure. Due time is the fairest judge and with time at hand, it is our own destiny the one we craft. the best interest of time, is the master of our lives as it becomes the law by which we obey the rulings of destiny. what takes us from one place to the next, one smile to the next, one experience to the next...Time is what rules the end of life. Time by whereby we cease to exist once we have used it all up.

Let's talk about time and remember that in the journey of life, we are all ruled by it. Life is not just about the decisions we make, the success we achieve, the happiness we enjoy, but about how well we use the time we have.

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