Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Birth canal

When I look at the end of a year and the transition to a new one, I can't avoid comparing the transition to the concept of a birth canal. Right before Christmas there's the anxiety about what to do that night and how to get there while doing all the things one must do before the old year ends. Who to be with, what to do, the places to be at, the presents and all other jolly planning makes for quite a lot of stretching to go about in the birth canal. While feeling better once all the Christmas songs subside, the 2nd round begins; the new year. Who to count down, where to be, the presents and all other social compromises make a good part of the last stretching before we get to the critical point at which the new year is born. Then, we relax while thinking about new year resolutions and all the other great things we'll do in the new year. By the first week of January everything goes back to normal and we feel much better after leaving the canal and then of course, we start building another year of experiences that takes us to another birth.

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